People and landscapes have co-created one another for thousands of years. Through our hunting, gathering, herding and growing we have sculpted diverse landscapes of twisted wood pasture, clear pools and flower rich meadows. In turn our landscapes have created us; nourishing our bodies, inspiring our stories and supporting our minds. Heartwood exists to rediscover this relationship and harness the positive impact that it can have on us and our landscapes.
We do this by inviting everyone to participate in a restoring landscape. Learning new ways to farm, forage, cook, craft, dance, walk, write, explore or just be alongside nature. We offer a range of ways of exploring our relationship to landscape through growing, foraging and cooking food, learning traditional crafts and heritage skills, working with livestock and horses, participating in forest school activities or gathering and preparing herbal remedies.
We work with a range of highly qualified teachers and other professionals who can support people wherever they are on their journey, ensuring that everyone is valued fully. We also invite individuals or groups to come together; gathering to work to restore our landscape we can also recreate a sense of community and solidarity. Cooking produce and sharing stories around the campfire or the kitchen table allows us to rediscover a connection to one another and our landscapes that allows all of us to flourish as one.